Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Peacham to Andover, Connecticut

Leaving Peacham and happy Vermonters behind

we drove into rain right away.  A long rainy drive down I91 through Vermont,

 we stopped for a bowl of clam chowder in Northampton, home of Smith College, a busting rather upscale downtown of shops and a big stone pile.

I left friend Petey at the train station in Hartford and drove west 30 miles or so to Andvoer and the home of long time friends Iggy and Doty, a lovely lodge in the forest, and a bed for a couple of nights


  1. So heartwarming this journey. I guess you didn't get to Providence? Great pictures. Nothing going on back here. Keep traveling.

  2. Mid-Atlantic area has been through a 2 year drought so the rain is welcome. The Eastern drought is nothing compared to this summer's searing of the land in the center of the continent.
